What You Are Worth—A Message for Introverts.
No one is ever going to pay you what you are worth. They will only pay you what they think you are worth. But you can change their thinking and no magic is involved at all.
The Power of Your Habits
Few of us would argue that habits have a huge impact on our lives. Habits can make monkeys out of us all...For better or worse, they can shape our destiny.
The Many Faces of Help
Everyone has been at a very low point in their lives. It is part of being human. Whether it be a failing relationship, job loss, sickness, death of a loved one, or a combination of these, we eventually reach the end of our emotional rope and recognize we can’t get better alone.
Pride: It Isn’t a Deadly Sin by Accident
You hear and read reports of leaders who have forgotten—if only for a time—who they really are. It can be in the midst of the trappings of their very success or their station in life that memory goes blank and they forget.
Learning how to… Ski
So, you decide that it would be really cool to learn to ski. Back before the Information Age,
Magic Beans
Grit and Resilience “It matters not how straight the gate How charged with punishment the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul.” —William Ernest Henley If you are the kind of person who gets things done, have you ever noticed how many people wonder how you do it?
Coaching Around Toxic Perfectionism
In my coaching, I run into people who suffer from what I call “toxic perfectionism.” Over the years and in the various scholarly journals, much has been written about perfectionism, some positive and some negative. Adam Furnham, Ph.D. wrote in his article “The Curse of Perfectionism,” “Is perfectionism a highly
Your Circumstances Don’t Make You
Born in mid-19th century Britain, this young man was brought into a world that that did not suffer hard times easily. His father’s business failed a few years after he was born, and when his father immigrated to America to remake his fortune, as many others were doing, his dad
What Do You Believe
You read everywhere about creating a mission statement. Why not turn up the volume and develop something with more energy and enthusiasm, truly take a stand? I’m talking about creating a manifesto for your business. Something that starts with “This I Believe.”
Connect your passion to your business goals and you’ll have a stirring manifesto for yourself and your work.A manifesto is defined by Merriam-Webster as:
“A written statement declaring publicly the intentions,
motives, or views of its issuer.”
It Is Your Success to Lose, No One Is Going To Save You….Except You.
Success is a very big word. Success can encompass family, work, friends, and the achieving goals and dreams as a reality in life. So it’s easy to see that the word isn’t just limited to how well we do in our jobs. There are lots of predictors of success and some are more accurate than others. Here are 10 things to think about as you plan for your success.