VUCA World
Who among us isn’t concerned about the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world around us? Many leaders have heard of VUCA but haven’t given much thought to how the terms link together. Most aren’t aware how insidiously the fear of change is triggering their more reactive tendencies.
What are some situations where VUCA is particularly relevant?
- Disruption in your industry.
- Hyper-competition as new players enter the global marketplace.
- National-to-global market shifts happening everywhere.
- Accelerated pace of business as companies struggle for position.
- Ambiguity in…well, everything.
- Industry regulations continuing to stymie progress.
- Budgetary pressures taking priority over growth.
- Long-term effects of COVID.
Keep in mind that your leadership—and the culture it creates—is really the ONLY single differentiator between organizations; VUCA is everywhere. Leaders should be asking: How can I stay abreast of the changes in the VUCA business climate?
And most importantly, what else should you be asking?