People Building
“When a man is singing and cannot lift his voice, and another comes and sings with him, another who can lift his voice, the first will be able to lift his voice too. That is the secret of the bond between spirits” —Martin Buber Coaching is a process of changing awareness and,
Make Common Sense More Common
“Common sense is the simple knack of seeing something the way it really is and doing something the way it should be done.”
—Mark Twain
I am often asked if common sense is a thing you have, or if you don’t can it be taught?Coaching Around Toxic Perfectionism
In my coaching, I run into people who suffer from what I call “toxic perfectionism.” Over the years and in the various scholarly journals, much has been written about perfectionism, some positive and some negative. Adam Furnham, Ph.D. wrote in his article “The Curse of Perfectionism,” “Is perfectionism a highly
Interrupting your Clients
Isn’t what you have to say worth a minute of their time? I heard it from a young rep the other day; cold calling just doesn’t work. He wondered if he should cold call or not. After listening to him go on for about five minutes, it became pretty clear that regardless of the arguments ranging from some surprisingly good points to some inane ones, to one degree or another they were all circling around reasons not to make his outgoing calls to potential prospects he had on his list.
Be Grateful…JFDI
Give this some thought: That you’re reading this sentence means that you are wealthier and better educated than 99% of people throughout human history. You likely have almost immediate access to more than half of all of the knowledge ever created by the human race. It also means you have
Your Circumstances Don’t Make You
Born in mid-19th century Britain, this young man was brought into a world that that did not suffer hard times easily. His father’s business failed a few years after he was born, and when his father immigrated to America to remake his fortune, as many others were doing, his dad
When You Just Don’t Want To…
I am guilty of this myself, so I feel safe asking you if you have a project that you keep on the back burner? You know the one. You need, actually you have to do it, the deadline is getting really close and it is making you so uncomfortable that
Improve Emotional Intelligence In 6 Steps
WHAT IS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE? Emotional Intelligence (EI) measures the ability to realize your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, and to effectively and productively manage them. Easy, we’re all experts, right? We don’t gossip; are always calm; never buy into other’s dramas; don’t complain, or dwell in the past. If we do, then we could become victims of low EI. Those traits are all classic symptoms of low Emotional Intelligence. It is possible to improve your Emotional Intelligence by following a series of positive steps. EI, unlike IQ, can evolve over time as one matures and faces new experiences. EI could be considered a coping mechanism, necessary to get through life’s traumas and dramas; however, effective improvement must be taught and practiced. How do you begin this transformation?
Five Steps to Start Living a Life of Significance
From the second you grasp that you have the power to have a positive impact on the people around you, most people work to do just that. Prior to that flash of insight, we’re usually occupied with everyday life, often forgetting to add meaning to our actions or ask why we feel unsatisfied. Suddenly, however, you wake up one day and the world is different. As if from a dream, you realize that you want people to look back on your life and remember the good things you did; that you lived a life of significance.
It Is Your Success to Lose, No One Is Going To Save You….Except You.
Success is a very big word. Success can encompass family, work, friends, and the achieving goals and dreams as a reality in life. So it’s easy to see that the word isn’t just limited to how well we do in our jobs. There are lots of predictors of success and some are more accurate than others. Here are 10 things to think about as you plan for your success.