Instilling Leadership with JCW Creative
Partnering with JCW Creative has provided their company with the necessary tools to grow and transform its leadership team. Through coaching, activities and guidance, JCW has established an environment that embodies its values and goals, as well as an aligned leadership team that understands how to achieve these goals.
Redefining Company Leadership with Dexcomm
Many companies implement a top-down management style. Though this is a common leadership approach, it can often cause employees to disengage from the company and weaken organizational objectives. With my guidance, Dexcomm implemented leadership tools and resources that allowed it to realign its focus on the company and reengage employees.
Managing the Conflict Continuum Executives’ meetings often go one of two ways: nothing is said at all, or it’s “open combat.” One is peaceful and harmonious. The other is hostile and executives openly attack each other. Both ways are completely unproductive. As a leader, it is important to push yourself every day by being direct
Optimism Bias
Optimism Bias is the technical term for the human tendency to underestimate that problems and challenges will crop up. Planning Fallacy is its first cousin--the well researched tendency for people to underestimate how long it will take to complete a task or job. Indeed, optimism is a good thing and
Do You Remember?
Everybody knows what happened on 9/11, right? Wrong. Most of the young people I know were born after 2001-and they don’t…not really. They, almost to a person don’t understand why it happened either… or who committed those acts of terrorism. Kids don’t get taught that any longer…it is described as too disturbing.
Hyperbolic Discounting
“It is perfectly rational to play a risky game: What is irrational is to deceive oneself about the risks” -- Dr. Imre Lakatos PhD Dr Lakatos was not a particularly nice man, but he (if you read his bio) was a man very familiar with risk. As a Hungarian partisan during WWII fighting
Is Your Executive Team Aligned?
A common problem executive teams face is that they forget—or never even knew—the ultimate purpose of their role, which is to advocate and plan for the company. Executives often make the mistake of acting as representatives of their constituents. This means since each member of an executive team works with a
What got you here may not get you there
There once was a story about a man who, after walking for days, encounters a lake that notwithstanding its daunting width, he considers how he might just have to swim across it, despite the danger. As he ponders his options, he sees a raft on the bank. Relieved, as he
In our work and personal lives, most of us have directly experienced the importance of trust, both positive and negative. In the workplace specifically, research supports this. One study (Helliwell and Huang, 2008) found that a 10% increase in trust in management is equivalent to a 36% increase in monetary
Sea Monster Eggs and Leadership
In the early 90s, about 5,000 participants attended a computer graphics conference, where they were asked to operate a computer flight simulator designed by Mr. Loren Carpenter. Each attendee was connected to a network via a virtual joystick, allowing each of them to move the plane's rudder and tail, thus