Fighting Over Territory
Sometimes I see what looks like executives fighting over territory. The problem in a lot of cases is that they don't have an overall guiding mission that they're all aiming at. My first step is to make sure there is one main goal that the executive team wants to focus
Take Action
The old adage “tradition is worth repeating” may be accurate. But it’s essential to keep in mind that cutting-edge ideas were controversial and innovative when introduced at one time; we cannot remain afraid of experimenting with new methods if we want to progress! You are often wrong about how bad things
By Example
There is a quote that almost every special operations person knows: “Calm is contagious.” The quote is passed down from man to man in the teams. Even in the fog of war, in the middle of chaos and death, “calm is contagious.” This kind of calm is essential for the man or woman
Find a Veteran and Thank Him or Her
Most people I know think of Memorial Day as a day to chill, barbecue or just relax on a day off from work. My friends in Virginia called it a Yankee holiday because it was originally a day to remember the 340000 Union Dead in the Civil War. The celebration
Tell Us What You See
It's a new week. How about you start speaking and declaring what you see and want to happen. We need to know. Tell us with the belief that none of it is impossible where a little faith and hard work are involved. So, you ask, what does that mean? It means: Aim higher. Aim
Saying No
It comes as no surprise that we have to be prepared for problems. We can’t ignore them, or they will drive us crazy! Beyond a shadow of a doubt — no matter who you are, what successes you have enjoyed- problems exist in life. It is an inevitable aspect of leading
Lead Without Anxiety
Ok, so today is Wednesday, and you feel anxious about the rest of the week ahead. Did you know that Wednesday is the worst day of the week for a lot of people in America? It is anxiety that is making the day terrible to contemplate. Don’t accept anxiety as the reigning authority as
A Big Deal
What are you doing next week that is a really big deal to you or your business? What are you doing next week that is a really big deal that no one else realizes is important? Would they care if they knew? People who start businesses need to remember that the bar
Creative Leadership
When you are practicing creative leadership, it has little to do with creativity and everything to do with what you are focused on. Are you focused on mission, purpose and the things that we all love and care about? Are you focusing on your long-term impact, truly scaling your capacity
Two Types of Rafts
In my previous blog, “What got you here may not get you there” I wrote about rafts and how we can carry them long after we need them. Here are the two types of rafts that we all carry: Inner Ones Those are the beliefs, assumptions and stories we tell ourselves. For