
There are so many biases that influence decision making that range from the Ambiguity Effect to Zero Sum Bias. One of the ones I deal with in my work alters decisions to decide, or at times triggers us to decide in the first place. It is called “action bias.” Simply stated, the concept of action bias says that just about everyone, when faced with ambiguous situations, especially those circumstances associated with risk, gets the feeling that they need to take some action regardless of whether this is a good idea or not.

“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

—Francis of Assisi

  The sales guru’s all say that if you take care of your pipeline, it will take care of you. But how do you do it? Here is one way to get started.

Do you ever struggle with the question of which business person will refer you or not? If you feel confused from time to time about which centers of influence, i.e., introducers, you should be spending time with, then this article might be for you. If your frustration level is rising because you know you’re wasting a lot of your time, it’s likely you need a stronger series of questions to help you filter through your groups.

You read everywhere about creating a mission statement. Why not turn up the volume and develop something with more energy and enthusiasm, truly take a stand? I’m talking about creating a manifesto for your business. Something that starts with “This I Believe.”

Connect your passion to your business goals and you’ll have a stirring manifesto for yourself and your work.

A manifesto is defined by Merriam-Webster as:

“A written statement declaring publicly the intentions,

motives, or views of its issuer.”