Awareness: The Inner Game of Leadership


Awareness: The Inner Game of Leadership

In order to become a more effective leader, you must first become aware of the inner game of leadership. This means paying attention to your own thoughts and feelings, as well as those of the people around you. It is essential that you recognize the various dynamics at play in order to make better choices and create change. One way to enhance your awareness is by managing your physiology — breathing deeply, sitting up straight, and taking a walk can help you focus and get in touch with what’s going on inside and outside of yourself. Remember, the awareness that got you to where you are now won’t be enough to take you to the next level. To be truly successful, you must continue to grow and develop your skillset. Keep learning, keep growing, and keep leading — it’s what effective leaders do!
If you’re interested in learning more about leadership development, register for The Daily Dose on my website. We also offer a variety of programs to help you reach your full potential.
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