Find Clarity and Motivation With A Life Coach

Find Clarity and Motivation With A Life Coach

How Can I Re-Center My Life?

A Baton Rouge life coach has a unique understanding of the fact that life is crazy. It’s hectic, stressful, demanding, overwhelming, and filled with ruts. Between floods, hurricanes, and shootings, it seems like the city is constantly in a state of stress. Most of the time, we find ways to move through all the crazy and into the good. The awesome, the fulfilling, the inspiring, and the beautiful. But sometimes, we find ourselves running at a wall with no clue as to how to get over it. We do the best we can, asking the advice of friends and family or simply trying to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, but there we are: stuck. Where do you go from there? For many people, the answer is a life coach like Frank Hopkins.

What is a Life Coach?

You may have heard of a life coach before but associated it with hippy, new-agers. Images of crystals, yurts, and yoga may have sprung to mind. In reality, a life coach is a pragmatic strategist who is there to help you

  • clarify your vision and goals
  • figure out actionable steps to achieve your goals
  • harness your skills and talents
  • stop self-sabotage
  • center your life on health, happiness, and success

While there is a lot of soul searching and introspection involved, a Baton Rouge life coach like Frank Hopkins is also there to help you turn your dreams into reality through real, doable actions.

Meet The Baton Rouge Life Coach

Frank Hopkins has spent considerable time helping people find their passions and make real progress towards them. Frank is a certified professional coach as well as an energy leadership coach. As a life coach, Frank Hopkins likes to describe himself as a “dot connecting expert”.

Where to Go From Here

If you have dreams that have been unmet, goals that you want to clarify, or difficult and destructive habits that you want to unlearn, a Baton Rouge Life Coach is the helping hand you need. You’ve always had the vision and Frank can help you find the path to your destination.

How Do I Connect With Frank Hopkins?

Thankfully, technology has enabled a  Life Coach in Baton Rouge to work with anyone, anywhere in the world. To connect, send frank an email or give him a call at (347) 943-3559, or email frank at [email protected]


Frank Hopkins is a life coach in Baton Rouge who is certified as a Professional Coach (CPC) by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). Frank has helped numerous people to go through emotional change in a way that is positively transformative.