Visionary Leadership
I get it, you're a busy person with a lot on your plate. You want to be a successful leader, but you don't have time to learn everything yourself. Here is something critical to know. Visionary leadership is more important than ever, but it's also harder to do it effectively. The
Talking Leadership on The Patty-G Show
Recently, I had the honor of going on The Patty-G Show, a local podcast that features local entrepreneurs to share their stories and highlight their impact throughout the Louisiana community. On the show, I sat down with Patty-G to discuss leadership and my coaching approach to guide business executives on their
A Message for Introverts
It would be cool if magic really worked, and just like the lady on Bewitched, you could wiggle your nose and alter the situation. However, what it really takes is clearly defining and communicating your value to your clients or boss. It is essential to being paid well for your excellent service
Your development as a leader is full of ups and downs. You are probably aware that the development process is full of productive, easy sailing days precious and those you can barely make it through. During the hills and valleys of your development, some of your challenges can come from
Collective Leadership
“Many ideas grow better when transplanted into the mind of another than in the one where they sprang up.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr The folks at The Leadership Circle created the definition of Leadership and Collective Leadership. Deploying Self into circumstance is how Leadership is defined. They suggest that Collective Leadership is deploying
Sharing Your Wisdom
Commenting one day in his notebook about the topic of immortality, Ralph Waldo Emmerson opined that people often dance around complex issues by using quotes. “I hate quotations,” he wrote, “tell me what you know.” You might notice that I rarely use quotes any longer and have moved away from the
How To Be Believed
There are six leadership behaviors that promote the perception of being believable: Being candid and courageously authentic, particularly when it’s uncomfortable or costly in the short term. Being transparent. Revealing your real motives, desired outcomes, thoughts, and feelings. Owning mistakes. Most people will forgive your mistakes. They won’t forgive your
Take Action
The old adage “tradition is worth repeating” may be accurate. But it’s essential to keep in mind that cutting-edge ideas were controversial and innovative when introduced at one time; we cannot remain afraid of experimenting with new methods if we want to progress! You are often wrong about how bad things
Is Your Executive Team Aligned?
A common problem executive teams face is that they forget—or never even knew—the ultimate purpose of their role, which is to advocate and plan for the company. Executives often make the mistake of acting as representatives of their constituents. This means since each member of an executive team works with a
Bad Crop… Good Crop
I am from a farming background and I grew up in the Cold War, so this one makes me smile when I hear it… and I have heard it from the first time I remember being on a farm. There is a humorous Communist story (if that is possible) that comes