Financial Services

Isn’t what you have to say worth a minute of their time? I heard it from a young rep the other day; cold calling just doesn’t work. He wondered if he should cold call or not. After listening to him go on for about five minutes, it became pretty clear that regardless of the arguments ranging from some surprisingly good points to some inane ones, to one degree or another they were all circling around reasons not to make his outgoing calls to potential prospects he had on his list.

“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

—Francis of Assisi

  The sales guru’s all say that if you take care of your pipeline, it will take care of you. But how do you do it? Here is one way to get started.

Do you ever struggle with the question of which business person will refer you or not? If you feel confused from time to time about which centers of influence, i.e., introducers, you should be spending time with, then this article might be for you. If your frustration level is rising because you know you’re wasting a lot of your time, it’s likely you need a stronger series of questions to help you filter through your groups.